Open entries for the Discovery of the Year competition in the category: Safety Leader. See details.
26-28 listopada 2025 r.
VIII Międzynarodowy Kongres
of Science and Technology
The resilience of public utility facilities and critical infrastructure
against war, hybrid, and criminal threats
Why our event?
- SAFE PLACE is the largest recurring event of this category in Poland – we have a tradition and quality proven during previous editions of the event
- We have sponsors and co-organizers ensuring the highest quality of proceedings
- We ensure the presence of representatives from various sectors and areas – B2B standard
- We guarantee fully utilized and varied time – we plan parallel practical workshop panels (e.g., responding to attacks, first aid during attacks, technical security, and cybersecurity)
- We foster a friendly atmosphere at the Congress, resulting in valuable professional, academic, and expert contacts
- We have planned a range of cultural and integration attractions, such as a formal banquet, demonstrations of the latest counterterrorism equipment (Police and Polish Armed Forces), and technical security solutions
Key topics
What will be discussed?
- Preparation of facilities for war, hybrid threats, and criminal threats
- Building resilience of facilities and spaces against attacks
- Managing security in Critical Infrastructure and mandatory protected facilities, as well as unprotected facilities
- Building resilience in counties, municipalities, and cities
- Fire safety for facilities and spaces
- Threats and opportunities for the security industry in light of the implementation of the NIS-2, CER, and DORA Directives
- The role and responsibilities of leaders in managing security in facilities and spaces
- Innovations and the latest technologies in building resilience for facilities and spaces
- Challenges for architects and designers of facilities and technical security installations in the face of modern threats
- Responding to attacks on life and health
- First aid in responding to attacks
Who should attend our event?
- Security managers in Polish and foreign public buildings:
- Critical Infrastructure and facilities requiring mandatory and special protection
- public administration buildings, including those protected by the Government Protection Bureau and the Marshal’s Guard
- military buildings, facilities, and areas
- educational institutions and universities
- shopping centers, office buildings, large-format stores, trade fairs
- theatres, cinemas, museums and other cultural facilities, religious facilities
- banks, cash distribution centers, and ATMs
- Scientific experts and representatives
- Representatives of national security institutions
- Representatives of personal and property security, technical security sector
- International experts and the scientific community
Safe Place Congress
The Safe Place Congress is the largest annual event focused on the safety of facilities:
Video material
Watch last year's Safe Place Congress:
Meet our experts!
prof. Sajjan M. Gohel
NATO DEEP eAcademy, Asia Pacific Foundation
Prof. Sajjan M. Gohel has a multi-disciplinary background in global security issues and professional military education (PME). His research looks at the ideology that leads to international terrorism, the tactics and strategies of trans-national political violence, border security, the role of new media and the agendas of hostile state actors. Sajjan has conducted on-the ground primary research in over 25 countries.
As International Security Director for the London-based Asia-Pacific Foundation, Sajjan monitors emerging geopolitical threats, whilst acting in a consultancy role for law enforcement agencies, foreign and defence ministries, multilateral organizations, and the global media.
Sajjan is a Visiting Teacher at the London School of Economics & Political Science (LSE). He is also the Editor for NATO’s Counter-Terrorism Reference Curriculum (CTRC) combining the expertise of academia, law enforcement, and defence practitioners. As an instructor and trainer for NATO’s Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP), Sajjan serves as the Chairman for NATO DEEP’s Global Threats Advisory Group (GTAG) and is the host of the NATO podcast series, DEEP Dive. Sajjan is also an advisor to the Metropolitan Police’s Counter-Terrorism Advisory Network (CTAN).
Sajjan’s research is case-study driven and he has fieldwork experience in 23 countries. Sajjan has provided expert witness testimony to political standing committees on the evolving challenges in Ukraine, Afghanistan-Pakistan, Central Asia, Middle East and North Africa. Sajjan is the author of the upcoming book, “Doctor, Teacher, Terrorist: The Life and Legacy of Al-Qaeda Leader Ayman al-Zawahiri” which will be published by Oxford University Press in the Fall of 2023.
prof. Sajjan M. Gohel
prof. dr hab. Kuba Jałoszyński
Police Academy in Szczytno
Professor of Social Sciences (since 2012), creator of the concept for establishing the central counter-terrorism unit of the Police, plenipotentiary of the Chief of Police for its establishment (2002), advisor to the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration on terrorism, secretary of the Interdepartmental Team for Terrorist Threats, head of the Permanent Expert Group at this Team (2006/2007), and academic teacher (full professor) at the Police Academy in Szczytno. For over 30 years, he has been involved in issues related to combating and countering terrorist threats. He served for 23 years in the Warsaw counter-terrorism unit, including 9 years as its commander.
prof. dr hab. Kuba Jałoszyński
gen. dyw. w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. Bogusław Pacek
Institute for the Near and Far East, Jagiellonian University
gen. dyw. w st. spocz. prof. dr hab. Bogusław Pacek
Institute for the Near and Far East, Jagiellonian University
prof. dr hab. Anna Rabajczyk
Scientific and Research Center for Fire Protection - National Research Institute
Absolwentka Instytutu Chemii Wyższej Szkoły Pedagogicznej w Kielcach (obecnie: Uniwersytet Jana Kochanowskiego w Kielcach). Doktor nauk chemicznych (2000 r., Wydział Chemii Uniwersytetu Opolskiego), doktor habilitowany z obszaru inżynieria środowiska (2011 r., Politechnika Wrocławska), profesor w dziedzinie nauk inżynieryjno-technicznych, dyscyplinie: inżynieria środowiska, górnictwo i energetyka (2022 r.). Ekspert w zakresie kalkulacji śladu węglowego i wodnego, ekomediator w zakresie zrównoważonego rozwoju.
Zainteresowania badawcze związane są z obszarem chemii środowiska, gospodarki wodno-ściekowej, nanotechnologii i biotechnologii oraz ich zastosowania w inżynierii środowiska, w tym neutralizacji i usuwaniu zanieczyszczeń, oczyszczaniu obszarów skażonych. Kierownik oraz członek zespołów realizujących projekty i granty finansowane ze źródeł krajowych (NCN, NCBR, NAWA, MNiSW) i zagranicznych (USA, EU), zarówno naukowych, wdrożeniowych, dydaktycznych, jak i inwestycyjnych. Stypendystka grantów zagranicznych (USA, Norwegia, Irlandia). Członek międzynarodowego stowarzyszenia Towarzystwo Badań Naukowych Sigma Xi oraz zespołów eksperckich krajowych i zagranicznych ( NCBR, European Commission – HORIZON2020); Komitetu Sterującego Centrum wiedzy i rozwoju biogospodarki, RDi2CluB, Interreg Baltic Sea Region; The European Education and Training Expert Panel, DG Education and Culture, Bruxelles (panel “Environmental challenges”); European Community of Practice on Partnership (ECOPP); Zespołu ds. Nauczania Chemii Analitycznej Komitetu Chemii Analitycznej PAN. Członek komitetów organizacyjnych oraz komitetów naukowych konferencji i kongresów krajowych i zagranicznych. Prowadzi współpracę naukową zarówno z jednostkami krajowymi, jak i zagranicznymi.
prof. dr hab. Anna Rabajczyk
Educational material from the Congress
We invite you to watch our lectures, debates, and more on our YouTube channel.